
This site provides information about, and a registry for, certain operational resources required by network facilities.

University of Strathclyde IP address space

The University of Strathclyde is assigned IP address space for its operations.

University of Strathclyde federation

The University of Strathclyde has a local federation for the purposes of authentication and authorisation via SAML protocol-based systems (e.g., Shibboleth).

The University is also a member of the UK Access Management Federation.

Uniform Resource Names (URNs)

The University of Strathclyde has been delegated registration authority for a URN namespace.

Private Enterprise Number

The University of Strathclyde has been assigned its own Private Enterprise Number for use in various applications, typically requiring local object identifiers.

LDAP Attributes

The University of Strathclyde maintains a registry of its own LDAP attributes for use in LDAP applications.

RADIUS Vendor-Specific Attributes

The University of Strathclyde maintains a registry of its own vendor-specific attributes for use in RADIUS applications.

MAC addresses

The University of Strathclyde assigns itself a range of locally-administered MAC addresses for use in various network applications.

ISBN/ISSN numbers

For information about obtaining ISBN or ISSNs, please see the library pages.


A description of Identifiers in use within the University. Incomplete: a work in progress.

IP Geolocation Feed

Publication of the Geolocation feed ("geofeed") data for the University of Strathclyde's IP networks.